Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something Blue

In my last post I had said that I started reading the book after Something Borrowed, as you can tell in the title that the books title is Something Blue. Two best Friends,Rachel and Darcy, are planning Darcys wedding to the oh so dreamy Dex. Something Borrowed is about the planning all from Rachel's point of view, and Something Blue picks up where Something Borrowed stops but it is in Darcy's point of view. I liked the first book and loved, no ADORDED the second book! I couldn't put it down! I read it in a day and a half, I'm thinking I might even purchase my own copy. (I borrowed from a friend!) So if you want a good book, but a simple read. These books are fantastic!
I am now reading One Day by David Nicholls. Ever read it?
If so let me know if you enjoyed it! :)
love and Rockets,

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you are making me extra excited about reading all THREE of these books!
