Friday, March 25, 2011

A Day Late

Okay, Still catching up on my 30 day challenge and this one if from yesterday!
Day 5 is my favorite memory. So here it is!!

My Florida Trip!!

This trip was so much fun. I had only been to Florida one time before but that was to board a cruise ship so not much sight seeing. Orlando was a blast, and let me tell you, I have never been to Disney and I had the chance this past year but Downtown Disney showed me enough. Disney is amazing and I can not wait to go back to see more.

Yeah he is made of Legos
The main reason I went was for nationals!! :)
Anna, your poof was amazing.

This chick right here, she is kinda my best friend.

It was a great time, seriously!!
I just loved this picture.
Ah, that was a good time. It was defiantly one of my favorite memories!

What was your favorite memory?

Love and Rockets.

Getting Caught Up!

Okay so the post that was for Wednesday was picture of your night. But first off let me tell you  I am watching Regis and Kelly, and it is a rerun of Justin Bieber. I have seen this episode like 3 times but was just as excited about it coming on today as I was the first time it came on. That kid is fantastic. He taught Regis and Kelly how to Dougie, and let me just tell you this kid can Dougie. Another person who is stupendous at the dougie is Tori Klein. That child is great. Anyway, on to the post!!! What my night looks like....
Meet Hedwig

This guy sleeps with me every night, I usually kick him on the ground by the morning but still he is a great cuddle-er.

Love and Rockets.

In omnia paratus

Ah the episode of Gilmore Girls I watched today introduced Logan, and I am excited. He is my favorite guy, and I was upset with hom season 7 ended for him. Anyway, that's where in omnia paratus comes in. For those of you who does not know Gilmore Girl, you should be ashamed of yourself, and you should know that Logan is in a secret society called the Life and Death Brigade and in omnia paratus is there little motto. It's the latin term for "prepared/ready for anything" pretty cool, huh? Well folks, there is you Latin lesson for the day, now onto the photo challenge. Day 3 is..... Cast from Your Favorite Show.
That was an easy one!

Love me some GIlmore Girls!!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!!! :)

Love and Rockets.


OHMYGOSH, yeah I know I have not blogged in a few days (I failed the 30 day challenge, but I'm still going to do it!) But, I knew I did this post! Yeah this little guy was just chilling in my draft folder. So I really apologize, and I am going to do a few more post so I can get caught up with the pictures!!  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day Two.

   I have no creative, or as I like to call them brilliant, ideas for a title. I feel terrible, I can't smell anything, taste anything and when I stand up my head feels 35 times its normal size. I hate allergies. I am coughing and feel like a bore. Literally all I have done this morning was watch Gilmore Girls and ate 3 popsicles. I didn't sleep last night, and ugh I just am sick and tired of being sick. Anyway, I did not type all of that to end with "so thats why I don't have a day two picture," because, fear not, I have four pictures!!! And that first part was a rant not an excuse! I managed to make my way down in our basement and go through all of 4 picture albums to find a picture for day 2. Okay so today's picture is....
Someone you have been close to the longest.
Meet Elizabeth Griffin, ladies and gents. Been close since 1992. 

We were just so cute. 
We are four months apart and we literally grew up together. She goes to Furman now,so we obviously party hard when she is at home, and by party hard I mean try to think of a place to eat and maybe do a movie. But don't let our average "hang outs" fool you, we really are gems, and just loads of fun! Woo hoo!! 

Yeah I don't know what happened to the top right corner. 

I just thought this showed how much Elizabeth enjoyed getting her picture made with me..... That face looks really impressed.

Same picture, just more impressed. I look a little too impressed, if I do say so myself.

And here we are today..... Still cute as buttons.
We are regulars at California Pizza Kitchen, that is our go to place.
That last picture.... it took me awhile to convince myself to put it up because I am wearing no make up there.... well not much anyways, I look kinda rough. Yet, don't we look like a blast?

I really hope you enjoyed this post, but at this moment I hear Gilmore Girls and a popsicle calling my name. 

Love and Rockets.

P.S. Any ideas on how to get rid of allergies, or how to breathe through my nose again would be GREATLY appreciated! 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just me, being a follower and not a leader.

  Has anyone else seen people do that 30 day photo challenge on facebook? I want to do it, but I very rarely get on the computer version of facebook so I thought, why not here?? And I know I am following the crowd with this one but still, I'm up for a challenge!! Okay well the first day is a picture of yourself and 10 facts about you....
That is me!

1. My life is my blackberry.
2. I am self conscious about my body.
3. I am upset I did not  receive an invite to the Royal Wedding. (Ahem, Kate if you are reading this it is not too late!)
3. I speak my mind. Don't ask if you don't want my opinion!
4. I love when people suggest songs for me to look up.
5. Love me some Harry Potter.
6. I have a weird obsession with shopping bags. I have so many Juicy and J Crew bags its ridiculous. I just cant let go of them.
7. I go to bed early and wake up early.
8. I put a lot of thought into the outfits I wear.
9. I have a MAJOR crush on John Mayer.
10. I am watching Hannah Montana and listening to John Mayer as I type this.

Ah okay, I guess there is no turning back now..... I am in this for the next 30 days.
I really hope you enjoy this little experience and hey it might be fun! At least going through all my pictures will be fun! 

Love and Rockets.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Are you there blog? It's me, Jillian.

   I apologize for not blogging last week, because I am sure you guys missed me right? :) Anyway, I decided I will make this post an obsessions post, because trust me I have plenty of obsessions! So shall I get started?

Number One: Katy Perry's new song E.T.. It is super catchy! I absolutely love it! Once again Katy you have impressed me. But, next time skip over Kanye West. I am not a fan of him and his music. Remind me why is he famous again?

Number Two: Red lipstick. I have wore red lips for the past 15 years for dance, but I want to be one of the girls who can pull it off daily. So I have started wearing it, and it is kinda growing on me... I wore it to church yesterday and nobody asked me if I drank kool-aid or compared me to a clown so I took that as a good thing.

Number Three: The Bachelor. Ohmygosh this was slightly embarrassing. I have never gotten into the Bachelor, I would just rather spend 2 hours a weeks doing something other then watching a guy pick who he wants to love. This season surprised me, I really enjoyed it! I hope he picks Emily because I think Chantel would make a fantastic Bachelorette, and I don't think Emily would do it. But in my opinion, Brad Womack is a hottie but he is really dramatic. Brad, it doesn't count if you say how sad it is after every rose ceremony.

Number Four: GILMORE GIRLS!! Gosh, this has always been an obsession but this past week I have started back watching it frequently. I have all 7 seasons on dvd and I am currently on season 4, and I am pumped because that means Logan is coming into the picture soon! Gasp!! I just hope on day I can become just as witty as they are. Ah, they make me laugh.

Number Five: Jello!! I mean who doesn't love Jello??

Number Six: My vans. Oh how I love those shoes! I would wear them everywhere if I could. They are that fantastic!

I can not think of any other obsessions at this time, which is weird because I am always obsessing over something or another, so if I think of any I will just add them to this weeks obsessions. I plan on blogging more this week, it was just last week I cleaned out my closet the first part of the week (and I deserve a medal) and then the second part of the week I was not home so, I will try to do better this week!

Have a fantastic Monday!! (I mean as fantastic a Monday can be!)
Love and Rockets.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

(part of a) Year In Review

First, let me start off by saying HAPPY PLATYPUS DAY!!!!

Perry the Platypus

That is right, it's Platypus day in honor of Perry the Platypus!!! You can check out this He's a semi- aquatic, egg-laying mammal of action on Disney's show Phineas and Ferb (It is really a great show, I love it!)

Okay, back to my post... I was looking through my camera and saw a ton of pictures I do not remember taking. Weird, I know. But it just remind me that I have had a BUSY year!! Well, I will let the pictures tell the story now! Enjoy!

Dance Banquet at Firethorne


Downtown Disney

DP girls at Nationals!!

Beach Trip

Kourtnie riding in style at the pool

Mountain Trip

OUR WRISTBANDS TO MEET W! and it only took 6 hours

Laura Bush's book

W.'s book

Okay, so this hasn't been a COMPLETE year but, you get  it.
I didn't get around to doing the obsession post this week. Yup, no new obsessions. Well, maybe a few but I will get to that next week.
Enjoy your weekend!

Love and Rockets.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

July 14th, 2011.

     July 14th, 2011. This day has been long awaited by some many people. It will be a happy day, yet sad. Very bittersweet. I am sure I will cry. I will get all dressed up for the occasion, and head off down the aisle. Movie theater aisle that is.
    Yeah, I know that was super corny, but you guys do not understand this is the LAST Harry Potter movie. It will be a very emotional experience for me. When I went and saw the first part I even bedazzled my Muggle shirt for the occasion, and I'm not going to spend 5 hours glueing rhinestones on just any shirt. This go round I plan on going ALL out. Ron Weasley wand. Gryffindor tie. Gryffindor Scarf. Harry glasses. And I am hoping to find a cloak, so if you see one let me know. You may think this sounds crazy but you have obviously never seen a HP movie in theaters. People don't just get dressed up for the midnight showings, they do it for every showing! I went to see the first part of Deathly Hallows, the Saturday after it came out and people were still in full costume. It is quite the experience. I usually go see these wonderful movies with my friend Kristen (click on her name to see her blog!) because we laugh together, cry together, and have obviously read the books 256415 times a piece!! So we know what to expect next!
     This past summer for graduation, I got to go to the Harry Potter theme park. Embarrassing story; we got into Universal and started standing in line, 2 and a half hours later we were in the HP part of the park. it was 326 degrees and literally 2,000  in a place no longer then a half mile, IF that long! (It was so crowded because it was the Wednesday after it opened!) There were 3 rides, the castle, the dragons and the Hippogriffs. The wait was 1 1/2 hours for the dragon and castle so we went for the 25 minute wait on the Hippogriff, I rode it, standing in line for a wand I felt sick so I went and sat down. I sent Quincy to get a pumpkin juice and made it just out of Hogsmeade before well.... you know the rest. SO EMBARRASSED!!! Anyway I did manage to get a lot of pictures...
This is where we started!!

The town of Hogsmeade

Hogwarts. nuff said.

Hagrids Hut!!

That's ole Buckbeak the Hippogriff. He bowed as you went up the hill

Love me some Buckbeak.

Ollivanders. Only a 2 hour wait to get inside!!

See??? 2000 people AT LEAST!!


    Quincy is reading this ovr my shoulder and told me I should put "I look forward to meeting wizards." anyway enjoy!!!!
Love and Rockets.